Saturday, December 1, 2007

Happy Birthday!

You all know that song, happy birthday to you, well three days ago that was true for me, and about a week ago, paul got us a yippy dog that killed a cat yesterday, it had to go! If your wondering what my b-day present was, it was a radio.
If I see, or hear anything soon, I'll tell you.


Saturday, October 27, 2007


Death is a natural cause, so is cancer, cancer is one thing that happened this week, on thursday, as you probably know, by reading other blogs that my grandpa died then. If anything comes up I'll tell you.

Other Blogs and more Death

Monday, October 15, 2007

Cross Country

I have gone a whole cross country year without telling my readers. I am sorry, but now that I'm done I think that I should tell you, my dear readers, that today I started chess club, I played Austin Renes (tell me if I spelled it wrong), I won one and he won one, and then we had a tie because it was time to go.
Speak to you next post, bye.

Cross Country
Chess Club

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Painfull, Agonizing, School!!!!!

If you noticed tomorrow is a school day:(
School isn't the only thing dominating the day, a person of the family (no need for innocent bystanders to know) tipped the lawn mower while mowing the lawn. Thats it, hope something catches my eye soon enough.



Lawn Mowers


Tuesday, August 7, 2007

The Wonderful Houdini

Hi, this is my cat Houdini!!!!!

This is why I think my cat's the cutest,

1. She just is,
2. She just lies in your hand, if she isn't restless,
3. Ummm, I think I'll skip to four,
4. In the picture she is not attacking anything,
5. She is so magnificent.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Happy Late Birthday!!!

Hi, yesterday it was moms (age deleted for reasons not known to the public,) birthday, Happy Birthday mom!!!

Last Book

It's not weird that at the last Harry Potter book, they kill off 12 somewhat main characters,

1. Charity
2. Dobby
3. Hedwig
4. Rufus Scrimgour
5. Peter Pettigrew
6. Crabbe
7. Harry
8. Fred
9. Mad-eye Moody
10. Snape
11. Bellatrix Lestrange
12. Voldemort

Friday, July 20, 2007

Sudden Sadness

If you read Sarah's blog you would have noticed that the computer has crashed and boots has died, we've got two new rabits, Crikett the male and Brownie the female. We've also got a bird loose in the house. Rebecca won that game I told you about.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Friday June 21, 2007

Well, here I go, setting up my own blog, bravo Sarah, you brought me out of the stone age. Hey you're supposed to be laughing (that means you).

Mom and Charity have gone to see Rebecca's game, I'll get to you later.